Triad Drill

Tactical Problem: Importance of changing direction, distance and velocity of pass using the volley to pass to a teammate, or when attacking to score.
Skill development: Volley (overhead pass), changing direction and distance of a pass to a target and to score, movement to the ball.

Teaching Points: 

 Ball must be hit high to partner to allow for more time
 for correct positioning. Importance of ability to change direction and distance of the ball when passing.

 Must get behind the ball and face up to the target. 


  • Place hands on hips, thumbs pointing back, fingers spread.
  • Keeping hands in same position, lift hands and look through window made by index fingers and thumbs (about 5 cm. apart). 
  • Hands slightly above forehead.
  • Head up and keep eyes on ball.
  • Move under the ball.
  • Contact ball with fingertips
  • Keep elbows flexed and wide.
  • Place weight evenly on both feet, knees bent, feet shoulder width apart.

  • Arms give while watching ball.


Organizational Points: 
  • Groups of three.
  • One player gets volleyball.
  • Other 2 find appropriate space.
  • Keep ball up continuously between three partners.
  • To simplify add a one bounce rule.
  • Decrease/increase distance of pass to increase or decrease difficulty.
  • Pass ball side to side to force partners to move to receive the pass.